Book Spotlight: Intimate Strangers by Lasairiona E. Mcmaster

So some things came up this week and I wasnt able to meet my deadline for this Blog Tour. My husband lost his job but started a new one so I had to hurry and get us all into the doctor for flu shots plus my son tested positive for strep throat. It was also my son’s birthday this weekend. August through October are a bit rough on me due to my sons football schedule. He practices three nights a week and then has games one day of the weekend. My husband is a coach so that leaves me alone to be abused by my 3 year old. Due to all of this Ive had a hard time keeping up with Blog obligations. I really enjoy doing Blog Tours but think I may need to take a step back from them. I will finish out what I already have on the schedule but might limit what I sign up for. Hopefully all my followers stick with me and maybe we can even bump up the numbers.

Goodreads Description: Is there such a thing as too perfect?

Lisa Millar wasn’t supposed to fall in love with a guy on the Internet. But she did. Other than living over five thousand miles away in America, AJ Williams is seemingly her perfect match. Strikingly handsome, musically talented, plays hockey and has a typical college-guy life.

In a moment of carpe diem, Lisa flies from Ireland to Alabama to surprise her internet-beau and finds herself face to face with an inconceivable reality that she couldn’t possibly have prepared for.
How well can you truly know someone you meet online?
Will true love win out, or will AJ’s secret life be too much for Lisa to bear?

Look for my review of Intimate Strangers in the near future!!

Or if you want to buddy read with me, you can read for free on Kindle Unlimited or purchase for $4.99!!

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